Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Il Neige (It's Snowing)

It snowed last night. Schools are closed, trains are derailing, and traffic is bad. But victory is mine because Chapters was open and I got the latest l'Express whose cover story is about Barack Obama. So I'm off to read about Obama en francais.

The snow was heavy up in the mountains which affects me because tonight I'm heading up Grouse Mountain. Every year at this time there is an "event" called Dine Out Vancouver where dozens of local restaurants develop a $15, $25 or $35 fixed 3 course menu. Each course has a recommended BC wine. Tonight 8 of us will eat at The Observatory overlooking a snowy Vancouver at night. It will be wonderful. If anyone ever wants to come to Vancouver, the Dineout Vancouver is a great time to come--just make your reservations early because the places fill up fast.

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