Sunday, January 27, 2008

Elevator at Elena's

One of things I get to look forward to over the course of my voyage is mechanical failures and breakdowns. "En panne" is something I expect to see and hear a lot in Africa. So in my first step on my journey to Vancouver, I get a taste of things to come.

I'm staying with Elena at the moment. Her building, is 12 stories high and has 2 elevators. Except, one of them is out of service and has been since I got here a month ago. So when you call the elevator, it can take a really long time. I've discovered that there is a lady on the 6th floor who has a friend on the second floor. She visits a lot.

Today, I went out to write into my journal over a beer and hamburger. When I came back, the elevator was on the 9th floor. I called it by pushing the button. I watched it as is slowly descended: 8........7........6........ Please 5! Please! No, stopped on 6. I figured there was a 50/50 chance that would mean a stop on 2. It restarted. 5.......4........3.......2........ Please 1! Please. Nope. Stopped on 2. It finally arrived. I got on and came up. I hope the fix the elevator soon.

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