Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Second Day In Seville

We woke up to the sound of a jack-hammer. That didn't please Elena. She went out to Starbucks to get a coffee. Then she came back and I went to Starbucks to get a coffee for me, read Generation X in French, and watch the women go by. Did I mention I like Iberian women? There are a lot of brunettes in Spain and the average height is short--while their hips still get wide--so there are a lot women who are my type--curvy, short, brunette, and cute. So I'm sitting there outside Starbucks reading about some guy who thinks the picture of a nuclear mushroom cloud is too small getting distracted by women walking by with tight blue jeans covering very nice asses--i.e. I was in heaven. Then Elena showed up and we headed over to the cathedral with the minaret.


It was a very nice Gothic cathedral. But sadly, it was built partly from a mosque. I guess if the Christians drive out the Moors, there isn't much need for mosques anymore, but it's still sad. The Sevillians were never the types who respected non-Christian cultures, though. Hernan Cortez was based in Seville after all. Much of Seville was built with Aztec gold melted into coins.

We looked at the stuff around there and found the free internet just across the street from the city hall. Then I came back to the hotel to write my blogs and get my passport which I'd forgotten and to wait for Elena who was going to bring back some food from the grocery store. We ate and she is now taking a nap. We'll post our blogs later and go to a place called Risko which will have our stuff we need to buy.

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