Sunday, June 1, 2008

First Night In Paris

We got on the subway and took one line from Place de Crichy to Duroc and then another line to Charles Michel. We headed up to where Philipe lives. Then, for the first time (since I was in Las Vegas) I saw the Eiffel Tower. We found Philippe's place. Elena says it is it very modern. I guess so, but it screams late 60's/early 70's to me. I felt like I was walking into the set of The Bob Newhart show. ;-) We had port and whiskey and chatted about his job--he is the Editor-in-Chief for a French academic publication put out by the government. He took us to a really cool place called the Brasserie du Commerce or something like that. It's a restaurant, three stories high, with a sort of courtyard. Philippe and I had duck and Elena had chicken. We had a nice bottle of wine. A great date place.

After dinner, we walked to Duroc station. We saw the Eiffel Tower do its sparkly think at the top of the hour--midnight. We passed many bars and brasseries all with people in them. Parisians stay out as late as the Montpellierians. We made it to Duroc, and Philippe went in his direction and Elena and I went in our direction. Our last drink at Brasserie de Commerce was coffee, so Elena couldn't sleep well, but I was dead tired and slept like a log.

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