Thursday, April 3, 2008

What a Cold!

On Monday, it was a mild sore throat. I thought I'd kill it pretty easily but I went out all day and was exhausted. On Tuesday, was still mild, but a bit worse. On Wednesday, I tried to stay in all day except for a trip to the Video Futur and the grocery store. Then Wednesday night, it went to all night coughing fit. Neither Elena nor I really slept. So today, Thursday, I stayed in bed. I drank water and got up to go to the bathroom. The cough came under control.

Now, I am mostly symptom free--just really really tired. But we're going to go to an Easter potluck dinner at the French American Center. I don't know if I'll be able to stay long. Elena made me eat some slices of bread and a tomato. It was hard to get it down, but it really perked me up. :-)

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