Monday, March 24, 2008

My Room

Elena and I spend most of our time in my room because I have the computer and we are internet junkies. Bug the space between the desk and the bed is narrow. So we decided to do a little rearranging. And as is becoming a French theme--that which should be simple, is unnecessarily complex.

The problem is that, for some reason, the desk is bolted to the wall. So I figured it can't be too hard to unscrew it. But the screws are held in place with these things:

And they ripped out of the drywall. Oh well. A bricolage in our future.

Anyway, we got the desk moved over about 4 inches--that which was needed to fit the bed in along the other wall.

So it went from this:

to this.

By the way, have any idea what the thing on the right is? Neither did I until we unplugged the phone and that was the hole that was left. It's a French phone jack.

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