Sunday, February 3, 2008

Check In

Nothing really to report. This is just a sort of check-in post. Last night Elena and I had dinner with our friend Darrel for his 50th birthday party at the Irish Heather in Gastown. Today, I'm watching the Super Bowl.

Lot's of icky news from Africa lately. Coups, attacks, earthquakes, rebel activity, kidnappings, etc. But I'll be OK. Vancouver had another murder last night. Fortunately, this current wave of murders is mostly confined to people who pissed of the local mob. The attack last week was at about 10pm is front of a downtown steakhouse, so there isn't much time to recite Ezekiel 25:17, but at least the mobsters are keeping the collateral damage to a minimum.

Other than that, I'm still studying the French. Not much else.

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