Friday, December 21, 2007

Storage Information

So all my stuff is in storage. I have an 8 digit secret code for the door to get in. Unfortunately, I'm likely to forget it. So I'm going to put it in my blog. Whoaaaaa Nelllyyyyy!!! you say? Oh don't worry. Try to crack this code. ;)

0: aku
1: blv
2: cmw
3: dnx
4: eoy
5: fpz
6: gq
7: hr
8: is
9: jt

Here is the floor it's on: First letter of the fifth grade teacher I didn't have.

Locker #: Last name of the guy who felt slighted because when he was looking for a job, the women got tons of offers and he didn't
Locker #: First name of girl at UW who is associated with an umbrella
Locker #: Last name of funniest professor at RH

Code #: First name of my first crush
Code #: Class where the teacher wore stockings whose weave let her legs show through about 3 inches below her hemline
Code #: First name of guy who thought gas in Texas was a nickel per gallon
Code #: First name of girl who came to Houston when I was at UW
Code #: Item that a very cute girl in Japan wanted to buy when we went shopping together (English)
Code #: City where we stopped on the road trip where I made the "shoe thing"
Code #: Fifth letter of teacher who massaged her breast during class
Code #: Myoji of my wrangler

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