Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sick Already

Only a week into my travels and already I'm sick. I wish it were simply intestinal, but instead, it's at the other end of my gastro-intestinal tract--I have a sore throat. I guess the crowds on Robson included disease carrying vectors (aka school kids). So I had to cancel my snowshoeing plans and take it easy. I want to be well when New Years Eve happens.

I first felt a little bit of a chill when I did yoga at the West End community center. We then went to a party in Burnaby for the Spanish speakers, and that's when I realized that the chill was the start of something bad. By the time I went to sleep, my throat was pretty scratchy. Then, overnight, it went to full blown, painful to swallow, sore. Seeing the snow out the window isn't exactly soothing either even though it isn't cold in Elena's apartment.

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