Saturday, May 31, 2008

Last Post From Montpellier

The stuff is packed, except for the computer. The surfaces are cleaned. The closets are empty. The dishes are washed. In 10 minutes they'll come by for an inspection, and hopefully to return our deposit. So before I pack up the computer, I'm doing this one final post from Montpellier.

Montpellier is a nice city. It was the perfect choice for us. It's not huge but it's not so small that there's nothing to do. We can walk everywhere rather than take the tram if we need to. They sponsor events constantly. It is vibrant and packs a historical punch. There is nature all around--hiking to the north and beaches to the south. The weather is nice. The people are nice.

Next post will be from Paris!

1 comment:

Felix said...

Thanks for your blog posts; they were very enjoyable to read. I will keep Montpellier in mind for a future France visit.