Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rêve-je en Français?

I was puzzling over this sentence:

“Et ce après la mise en place supposée imminente, mais ô combien laborieuse, dans l’est du Tchad et dans le nord-est de la République centrafricaine, du contingent euro-africaine Eufor, appelé à veiller sur la sécurité des réfugiés et des civils.”

Which I translate along these lines:

“And this after setting in place, almost imminently, but oh how difficultly, into the east of Chad and the north east of the Central African Republic, some of the contigent of the of the Euro-African EUFOR which was called to watch over the security of the refugees and civilians.”

The word I didn't know was "ô". It wasn't in my dictionary. My translation as "oh" is a guess. But before I read it deep enough to really figure it out, I had a dream. I looked it up in the dictionary in real life and it wasn't there. Then I had a dream where I looked it up and it said that it was just the way to write the ^ character when you want to use it alone meaning "circumflex". That of course is wrong. French is hard enough. I don't need my subconscious screwing me up by throwing these monkey wrenches into my studies while I sleep.

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