Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post-Election Day

I stayed up the entire night watching the election returns and reading about the results on the internet. I rested on their couch for a while after things sort of slowed down. But not that long.

At about 10am, the cleaning crew and wanted to clean, but I was still watching TV and refreshing web sites. They eventually decided to leave since I was still going to be there for a little while longer.

At around 11, I was tired as hell and decided to return to the cheap Hotel le Crillon a block away. I checked in and got my same room. It was clean again. I quicy washed some underwear and shirts and then slept until 4pm. Then I headed out again. A quick check on the internet showed bad new for Al Franken and Prop 8. Al Franken would have been good. He's a Harvard man just like Barack Obama. And sharp as a tack. At least he has a job fighting for the progressive cause, though. Prop 8 is pure bigotry. I understand it was sponsored mostly by people from Utah. I can see how they might want revenge for having been forced to change their own definition of marriage to being between one man and one woman. Still, I can't believe the people of California actually went for that. I guess the smart people who moved to VA and NC must have come from CA leaving just few enough behind to allow this despicable proposition to pass. At least it can be undone pretty easily. Gay rights is not a left vs. right issue. It's a young vs. old issue. It doesn't even take much work to change society's views on it. Just wait for the old people to die.

I went to O' Grille on last time for cold draft beer. The big news story of the day, which got everyone's attention when it was on, was, of course, the victory of Barack Obama.

I ate dinner at Le Verdure which is supposed to be a French seafood restaurant, but only had 2 entrées and 2 plats. I got a curry cucumber salad and a steak hâché. For dessert, I had crème caramel.

Then, as I was tired, I came home and slept like a log.

Thursday, November 6, 2008 Benin local time

1 comment:

mattlv said...

Just ran across your blog. Preparing for a trip to Accra, Lome, and Cotonou later this month. Your blog is very informative.

Where exactly is O'Grille? It must be pretty good if you kept going back there.