12:43 The beer is cold, but I decided to start with a pull from the box of wine--Peller Estates Chardonnay. I'll break out the beer when the players start to take the field. In the meantime, I'm seeing if I can still count to 10 in Arabic. sifr, waaHid, ithnayn, thalaatha, arba'a, khamsa, ??, saba?, thamaniiya, ??, ishra?. OK, I still know about half of them at least.
1:22 Why can't languages be easier? Why does Arabic have to have separate verb conjugations for dual amounts. There's not just 'he', 'she' and 'they', but also 'two guys' and 'two girls'. Soon it'll be time to crack open a beer. I wish I could have found Alaskan Amber, though. It's my favorite beer. Elena is still out on her walk. The sky is clouding over. It's mild, but misty. Well, the Packers are taking the field. Time to get a beer.
1:33 More jokes about "We want the ball--we're going to score". I imagine Hasselbeck called George W. Bush and said, "Hey George, I'd like to make a donation to your campaign. How about you give me something to say at the OT coin toss?"
Hmmm... Bad kickoff "return" by GB.
1:37 Injury already. That's what SH get for raising $$ for Bush. Interception. Yeah, the Pack has some Republicans too. :/ OK 20 seconds into the game and SH have scored. I used to call Favre "Turnover" I watched his game where he either tied or broke the NFL record for turnovers after I started calling him that. Of course, I know nothing about football, so what do I know?
1:42 Now that's a much better return. Errr.... Fumble and recovery by SH? Hmm...
1:46 Another SH injury? Will the obese ambulance guy drive out again? Yep, that's Lambeau--probably the fattest NFL city--or is it Houston? They were the fattest city in according to Supersize Me!.
1:49 There's a seagull on Elena's balcony. And SH TD. Well, there's still 56 minutes left for the Pack to catch up.
1:57 Yes!!!! The Pack finally moves the ball!!!
1:58 Packer Touchdown!!!!
2:01 Here's a picture of my (Elena's) bachelor(ette) pad.
2:03 Opened the beer (observant reader may have noticed the cap is on the pic above). And snow. Finally, God is starting to see what's going on at Lambeau. I guess He was out partying too much last night and just got up.
2:11 Ever wonder what "lambeau" means in French?
2:13 Challenge of the spot of the ball. Or 4th and inches? (Bite finger nails...)
2:16 A respot....a remeasure...and...and...and...1st DOWN!!!!!!!
2:20 1st and goal!! Stopped. :/ 2nd down.... Touchdown!!!!!!!
2:22 Hmmm.... Tied a record for most first quarter points in playoffs--set when I was 1 year old.
2:28 The kickoff roles are reversed!!!! Fumble SH recovered by GB!!!!!!
2:29 First down! TD in reach...2nd and 3....TO SH. OK back from comercial break....TD!!!!!!!!!!
2:36 I want a brat. Sadly, there are no brat buns in the Pacific Northwest. In fact, when I told the natives here that there are no brat buns, they all thought I was crazy for thinking there would be special buns just for brats. Like, how would they sell before they got moldy on the shelves. I live the Pacific NOrthwest, but they don't understand brats. In fact, one day when I was listening to KPLU (NPR) they mentioned that there would be somewhere a "real Wisconsin brat fest". Only they pronounced it like it rhymes with "rat". Blocked punt? Flag? What happened? Personal foul GB? Dammit! What the hell is that?
2:41 Hmm... nice catch by SH. Stuff'em Pack!!!
2:43 SH driving hard. Merde! Close to the end zone....and 4th and 7. I guess they'll try a field goal
2:45 OK SH made 3. At least not 7. Fucking penalty!
2:47 OK beer #3. I only have 6. I hope I don't run out.
2:50 Elena is taking a nap. Do I have to be quiet? I think she can put up with a little excitement even though she doesn't get it. Oh nice catch for a first down Pack.
2:52 First down! I'm trying to be quiet. Hmm... Why does Elena have to take a nap now? Another nice advance...2nd and 6...3rd and 6--got pressured.
2:54 First down on 15th yard line. 2 minute warning coming up. :)
2:58 It actually took my longer to go to the bathroom than the commercial break. 3rd and 8 from the 14. Please Favre-do something magic....looks like...........I don't know what the fuck that was but it was magic!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:00 TD!!!!!!!!!! After the goofiest thing I ever saw. Was that a forward lateral? What is an underhanded pass after being knocked off balance?
3:02 Canada has different commercials than the US. I think this is the Seattle Fox affiliate, but there are ads for The Amazing Race (which is CBS in the US, I think) on CTV. OK 15 seconds to go in the half. Will SH try something? Or just kneel? Yep just kneeling.
3:19 Kickoff. What's with this SH handholding? Are they from Capitol Hill?
3:21 4th and 7. Nice job Pack!!!!
3:25 3rd down conversion. Favre is on fire!!!!!
3:26 Excellent run to the 12!!!!
3:27 Another TD!!!!!! Wooohoooooo!!!!!!! (Must be quiet...Elena is napping.) :) :)
Oh here is my car--the green one.
3:31 Time for beer #4. BTW, Why the fuck is there a CAPS LOCK key? I hate it. I never use it. It just causes nothing but problems. It's the stupidest thing ever. Fuck the Caps Lock key.
3:32 The announcer just said Hasselbeck is frustrated. I hope he's even more frustrated in November of 2008 when Hillary or Obama runs against Romney or McCain.
3:34 Two holding calls on Pack declined. Hmmm... I don't like Hasselbeck doing well. Not good. But holding on offense. Now that's better. God is angry with the GOP for voting for Hickabee--after he claimed his meteoric rise was divine intervention. God doesn't like candidates who free rapists because their victim was a 5th cousin of Bill Clinton. Asshole!
3:38 GB had an illegal substitution. Hmm... Not good.
3:38 Nice hit by GB to prevent first down. But 2nd and 1...Merde!!!!!
3:40 Nice big flakes. Huge flakes. God is angry with the SHs. Incomplete in end zone. Snow!!!! Thank you!!!!
3:41 Look at that snow. It's like whiteout conditions. Field goal?........Good. Oh well. At least not 7.
3:45 It's totally like the snow increases in intensity only when the SHs start to do well. Nice. They have commercials for Corner Gas. I bet they don't show that in the US. Not as good Trailer Park Boys but OK. Of course the best Canadian comedy series ever--as well the best world comedy series ever--is The Newsroom.
3:48 3rd and 4 to.......... well he got tackled. But the Pack is back!!! I smell a TD???
3:49 First down on 4th yard line!!!!
3:50 Later tonight we eat pizza. Elena got some dough at Caper's and well roll it out, top it, and bake it. Yummy!!!! I'm starting to get hungry. LAst night we went to a place called Sanafir. They have Asian/Mediterranian/Indian inspired tapas. It was soooooooo good. Then we saw a show at the Vogue called Umoja. It's a dance troupe f.rom South Africa. They were really good. Well game is back....
3:52 First play went nowhere...Come on Favre....incomplete....merde. Flag. Personal foul on Seattle!!!!! First down again!!!! :) :)
3:53 Stopped at 1 yard line...Touchdown!!!!!!!!!!!! The Pack is going to win!!!!
4:00 Elena woke up. Here she is. SH are trying to drive.
SH going nowhere! They can't connect. I missed most of it while Elena and I figured out which picture to post of her.
4:05 Nice run!!!! Elena thinks I'm crazy for cheering!!!! Excellent run. Final nail?
4:07 Let's see the clock run down.... Bwahahahaha!!!! :) Yes run the ball. Eat time. My friends in Japan were shocked to learn that the English for "jikan o tsubusu" is "to kill time" "Kill"! It was shocking to them. LOL.
4:10 SH first down. But too little too late. I hope....Yes they run. tick tock. flag? Personal foul again? On GB! Merde!
4:12 Almost a Pack recovery of SH fumble... Err incomplete? Whatever. I'm looking at my screen. Dammit--almost intercepted. Would have been so sweet. 3rd and 10....8:14 left...incomplete. Yes!!!!!!
4:17 Gee I come back from the bathroom and I hear the Pac will take over on downs? I guess 4th down means "go for it" when you're at this point. Yes!!!! Pack driving hard!!!
4:18 Pack run stuffed--but clock keeps tick tick ticking away.
4:19 ditto.
4:20 Long bomb.....incomplete. I guess they punt. With 5:35 left, I doubt the SHs can get 22 points, though.
4:21 Nice nice nice sack!!!! 2nd & 22!!!
4:22 3rd & 25 clock at 4:10 at the snap. Oh why do I even continue. It's over. Nobody could beat the Pack in this game now. What's the point? It shold be like baseball where they don't bother with the bottom of the ninth if the home team is ahead.
4:25 My mind is moving to the pizza Elena and I will make later tonight. It'll be so yummy. I love homemade pizza. It's fun to make and fun to eat. :) And after the Pack wins I'll be in a good mood. I could feel sorry for Seattle, but Seattle is used to losing. The PNW is used to it. Vancouver lost the Grizzlies and Seattle is about to lose the Sonics. But we have the best revenge--this is the best place to live. We don't care much about sports because our quality of life is too high to have time for spectator sports.
4:30 Less than a minute. First down SH. But what's the point? :28 left. :20 left. :14 left. :10 left. The clock is gone. When's the 'F' coming? Now.
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