The kick-off is imminent. Terry Bradshaw is predicting the Giants will win. Hmm....
3:37pm GB took the field. I hear that my brother Tim and cousin Todd are there. I predict they will have major shrinkage for a couple of days.
3:39 OK, I decided to not crack open my last 4 beers until the Pack started. Well, I opened one during the pregame show at Lambeau and I'm already almost done with it. If I finish it before the first quarter, back to chardonnay.
3:43 Kick-off delayed by a falling ball. Interesting. What does it mean?
3:44 Pack now has the ball. Go Favre!!!!!
3:45 First Down on first play!!!!
3:46 First down second play!!!!
3:46 A run into a crowd. And I'm almost out of beer. Switching to chardonnay would be sacreligious. Almost intercepted Whew!!!
3:48 Well... Time to punt. Oh well. Let's see what happens.
3:51 Drinking chardonnay. Giants got first down? No! I don't believe it. Well at least they threw it away to nobody on 1st & 10. Here is my chard. Does it go with Spicy Nacho Doritos? Giants not doing well. :) 3rd & 10.... Damn! Third down conversion. Damn!
3:54 You can tell my Doritos are Canadian, because they are in English and French. First down is prevented, I think. Giants are advancing. Hmmm.... Well, Favre's hands are warm....flag...Damn! 3rd down conversion on a penalty. Does that count?
3:56 Gee, another G first down. Pack, what's up? 2nd & 7...Another first down. Damn! Defense! Defense! They are close to the end zone...No gain....2nd & 10 on the 11 or so.
3:59 Incomplete in end zone. 3rd & 10 on 11. Stop em!!!
4:00 almost intercepted. Damn. Almost an automatic 3 at this point. Oh well. San Diege started out with 3.
4:01 3-0 NYG.
4:03 Almost outof Doritos. I guess that's OK because I'm eating too much oily food. The Pack is on, so it's OK, but my tummy isn't used to it. Been eating healthy lately. BTW, I hate the hip-hop Subway commercial. Do they have that in the US? I hate the Wal-Mart "It's True" commercial even more. I see this Nissan commercial where a guy puts his glass on his neighbor's new Sentra and the neighbor rips of his shirt to wipe it. I don't hate that one.
4:06 Favre is up. 2nd & 9... Errr what was that? Favre brain fart?
4:07 3rd & 12...damn. complete but nowhere. Damn! Punt. Not bad field position for NYG.
4:09 Elena is out shopping. I wonder what she's getting. She made a Costco run yesterday. The fridge is chock full. She made a sandwich with my ham and my brie. OK, I guess since I'm living in her place, she can eat my stuff. Still, I wish she would prepare it to be maximally tasty.
4:10 Giants dropped a gimme. :) 2nd & 10...NYG run goes horizontal... 3rd and 10ish. Complete. but no first. 4th and yards. Yay! A Punt, I guess...
4:12 Hahahaha, a 21 yard punt. Yay!!!! BTW, I have more chard in my glass. Next beer at the quarter.
4:15 GB 3 yard gain. 2nd and 7? Favre is using hand goes not so far. 3rd &....end of quarter. Time for more Granville Island Honey Lager.
4:19 3rd & 5....incomplete. Almost intercepted. The precatch hit looked painful...damn. Punt. Damn. NYG is almost at the 50. Damn!
4:22 First down NYG! What's going on? Is GB jinxed because my brother is there?
4:23 Another NYG 5 yards. 2nd & 3. Damn! Drop--flag... on GB? Damn. Spot problem...flag. false start. Ref mike no working. Annoying.
4:26 1st & 15 on 22. Run to 20. OK, I can live with that. 19, I guess, incomplete. 3rd & 12...on 19,...timeout?
4:28 Just saw a Best Buy commercial. I know it's Canadian because they showed a menu on a LCD TV and the menu had "COLOUR". All the tricks I know. Like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are Reese Peanut Butter Cups up here. I guess so they can use "Reese" without having to Frenchify "Reese's".
4:30 Whew...incomplete by the end zone. Another auto Field goal, I suppose....yep. Giants up 0-6. Pack got stung with 2 scores last week though. It ain't over....
4:33 Whew! Pack almost lost the ball on the kick. Horrible field position...Need some Favre magic....
4:35 Yeppers. That's what I'm talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6-6
4:35 Pack up 6-7. Yes!!!!!!!!!! The Pack is Back!!!!!!
4:38 My Bro is one happy dude right now.
4:39 Impressive NYG run. 2nd and 3 midfield...Nice stuff...3rd and ?...3 .. Damn! 3rd down conversion. But the crowd is into it now. I hear much more crowd noise. They are excited. Elena's neighbors probably noticed me. ;) 2nd & 10...3rd & 10... Yes.... Time to punt!
4:42 OK, the Pack gets it at the 21 or so. Good thing he got it. Favre is up...First run goes nowhere...2nd & 8....out of beer...need chardonnay...SWEET catch. 18 yards!
4:45 Another 1st down. At 45 yard line....huddle close. Ooshii!!! 2nd & 10...batted down.... Could have been intercepted, but not. Actuallty it was too fast for me to see...3rd & 10...incomplete! Damn. Punt. Down at the 7. OK good.
4:49 Got more chardonnay. NYG gain 9. Damn! 1st down--flag. But holding on offense. Whew! 2nd & 9....3rd and inside the PAck 10. Yes!!!! This can't turn out bad!!! 3rd & 7...flags fumble on snap? illegal shift on offense. 4th down on goal line? Yes!!!!
4:52 Pack fair catches just inside 50 yard line! Bodes well!!! Nice pack run, but no gain. You can really see their breaths. Wow! It's like fog on the line of scrimmage. Incomplete. That was really fast. Why? Oh well, forbeit from me to question Favre... 3rd & 10...incomplete...flag...on defense!!! auto first down!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Whew!!!!
4:55 run picks up 1. That was so lucky. Does the NYG support the GOP? It must. SWEET complete!!! on 20. Wow!!!!
4:56 Run to 20. They show the streets of Green Bay. Don't give the burglars ideas. Even the cops are watching hte game. If there is 911 call, it'll have to wait. You can rob any store in GB and get away with it right now. ;)
5:00 Pass to end zone incomplete. Damn! 3rd & 8...not much... Field goal?
5:02 NYG timeout? Why? Was that a first down? No. FG attempt. 6-10 GB.
5:03 Pack up by 4. Can't complain...Ball falls again on tee. ..NYG down at 23. About 1:15 left in half.
5:05 Run for 9ish....DAMN!!!! NYG on 30 and about a minute left. Just used last TO. Pack needs to stuff them. Stuff em. DEFENSE. DEFENSE. ????????? Incomplete at 3? Yes, incomplete. Whew!!! 2nd & 10...QB tackled. no TOs for NYG. 20 sec left. incomplete. 4th * 7 :11 left and barely in FG range.....gonna play it.... loss turn over on downs...Pack will retire with 5 seconds. Will Favre kneel? Or Hail Mary?? ... Kneel. So it's 6-10 at the half. A nail biter. And I'm a nail biter. Not a high scoring game at all. Pack is not dominating. Nobody is. At this point it's all up to randomness.... Scary.
5:11 CTV news update. Shooting at Smithe & Howe. Just a few block from Elena's place. It was a targeted shooting though. Basically, in BC, if you don't deal drugs, you're not likely to be shot. Deal drugs, and you might.
5:14 It's getting dark. Here are some views from Elena's balcony:
5:16 Half time show. It's tough being up by only 4. Need more Chardonnay. Not sure where Elena went. I think she's sick of my football ways. She went out somewhere. BTW---the second tallest building in the last picture is the Sandman on Davie. Anyone who came to Vancouver with Margie Ye last year stayed there.
5:21 I hope that in 2 weeks I am able to ask myslef the question: do I want to see a team win a perfect season or see Brett Favre win a Super Bowl?
5:23 Look at all the stuff in Elena's fridge. It's packed. Unlike my bachelor fridge, nothing is past its due date, but it's packed.
5:25 Sounds like it's gearing up. NYG on 31. OK, let's stop them...Run for at most 1...2nd & 8...Nice first down for NYG. Not good for me, but nice play...
5:27 run for a yard...incomplete. 3rd & 9...Some pretty scary close clock expires--TO NYG. Nice way to waste a TO. Whew!
5:30 A nice commercial for Corner Gas. It's an OK show. Not as good as Trailer Park Boys or The Newsroom. But OK Canadian comedy... Game back...Inteception!!!...Err.. fflag?? Damn.
5:32 Damn!!! 1st & 10 NYG. Damn! 2nd & 8. Damn! I was so excited. Run for 3. 3rd & 5... But NYG good at 3rd down conversions...
5:34 pass batted down, roughing passer? Damn! 15 yerd penalty. auto 1st down. Damn!
5:35 NYG gets3 to within 30 yard line. Damn. Not good. Damn 1st down at about the 20. damn! Damn!...NYG at 7 on 2nd down. This sucks. Please keep to FG. Damn almost 1st down right by goal line....
5:37 Bringing in chains. just short. Chance to stuff em...3rd & inches....ball out.. looks like recovered by NYG.... Damn 1st & inches ot goal. Frak!
5:39 flag. Pack was fast. off sides. Half distance to goal, but that's like inches....again, stopped, but another offsides I think. OK another half inch...Damn!!!
5:42 OK, NYG TD. 13-10 with extra point pending. Commercial. For "Lost" I've heard good thingabout that show, but never watched it.
5:44 kick. Excellent run to NYG 39th Yard line.... Yay!!!! Time for some Favre magic...
5:45 Nice fist pass. Gain of 8. 2nd & 2. Come on Favre...First down???? Yes! Whew! Wait measurement. IS it really 1st down? yes. Whew! Go Favre...incomplete. Wow! You can totally hear Favre calling his plays. He's so loud. 2nd & 10...screen to 3? yard line? 3rd & 8. damn. Cought short...flag...crowd cheers. What penalty? On NYG. 1st down? Why? No Comprende. I guess God is pissed with NYG. Nice. For us. Touchdown!!!!!!
5:53 Sorry neighbors! Just scared you but GB is now up 13-17!!!!
5:55 Come back from bathroom to see NYG at the 40. Damn!... Commercial. Just a Budweiser commercial. They talked about the choicest hops. Makes me wonder. This is going to be a really bad year for people into beers made with hops. Horrible year for hops.
5:57 NYG to 50. 2nd & 2.
5:58 Damn. First down...NYG is doing well. another one. Damn. 35th yard. Damn. GB doesn't need this. NYG throwS AWAY. Damn CAPS LOCK KEY. Made?? Feet were in????? Wow! If so I'll be impressed. GB challenge.
6:01 Mac vs. PC commercial. Screw Apple. If they would make their iPod Touch use as much as 10% of the power it has, I'd be happy, but they barely let it do anything. Screw Apple. Screw Steve Jobs. I like my iPod Touch, but I'm 100% pissed off that it leaves all that unused potential. GB loses a TO because the Challenge failed. Damn.
6:04 Damn. 8 yards. Manning is doing well. Need to remove him and put Favre on the field. Damn! Not good. TD NYG! Damn! 19-17. About to be 20-17.
6:05 OK, need some Favre magic. Pack does OK with the other team ahead, right? Right? OK I don't know. But Favre came back last week when I started watching...Pack will start on their 20.
6:07 Damn, out of beer....Nice First Dpown... :)... 2:12.. next beer or chardonannay?? An othe first down. Yes!!!
6:09 Run for no gain. Need some Favre magic...incomplete. Time for beer.
6:12 C'est moi!
6:13 GB to 31 yard line!!!!!
6:13 More Favrre magic??? Intecept...fumble Pack recover...1st down!!!
6:15 SWEEEEET!!! OK I'm nervous. Typing instead of wathcing.....Pick up of 5. 5 to 1st down...
6:16 complete, but lost yardage......Frak!!! Trying to not offend my aunt who doens't like the F word...
6:17 Tied it up. tie but OK. Relief!!! 20-20
6:18 OK,I'm nervous. Damn. And I'm not even a true fan. Just a sort of fair weather fan. I don't really follow it until my hometown team does well. Hoemtown? Well maybe GB is not my hometown, but I still have some memories of my grandpa being a hardcore Packer fan with his beer belly down at the Jefferson Junction by Ladish Malt.
6:20 A NYG on the ground. 3rd & 2? #69. Wow! Does he get made fun of being #69?
6:25 caught? No way!!! This will be a close game. 2nd & 4...PaCKER DOWN. Screw the Caps Lock key.
6:27 I love they way the box of wine makes my wine swirl when I fill the glass....Elena just got back. Just got back from a walk with her friend from Mexico. I warned her I'm nervous....TO....
6:30 OK Manning called a TO. Elena is taking a shower. One TO for NY 2 for GB. Good....Incomplete...flag...YES!!! Offensive interference.... GB declines. 3rd &15th. 4th & 5 or so? Got a few yards? NYG will go for it? on 4th &5... flagg..... pass inteference but before 1st down.. Damn 1st down. FUCK!!! Incomplete in end zone...
6:34 to 25. 3rd & 7. Damn... Stop em. Stuff em. Damn GB TO. Damn.
6:36 This is not good. This is close. I don't like it. Damn! incomplete...4th down. FG 43 yard attempt...6:53 left...MISSED!!!!!!
6:37 OK that was a gift from God! We're still in it. Favre is in. incomplete. 2nd & 10....incomplete 3rd & 10. Damn!!!
6:39 5 yards. Damn. OK. NYG 37
6:41 NYG makes a pretty god run Damn!...1st down???? Chains come out. Nervous. Should have hd an overtime beer...
6:43 3rd & inches...Damn looks like 1st down...incomplete...2nd & 10...gain of 1. NYG 3rd & 9 ith 3:40 to play.... Sack??? Looke dlike offside to me???
6:46 Punt. GB ball.. But why not GB offsides? Anyway, GB has the ball.....
6:47 incomplete favre... 2nd & 10....flag... false start..offense? OK we deserve it. 2nd & 15....incomplete...3rd & 15... Not good... NYG would have great field positons. Back to original line of scrimage. Damn. Will need to punt....
6:50 fumbles galoreeee but NYG gets it FUCK!!!!
6:51 NYG gets ball at GB 51. Damn. TD???? Holding NYG Whew!!!!!
6:52 1st & 20....omplete but knocked down. Damn..... 2minute warning.
6:56 Damn!Q Nce cathc be N YG... 3rd & 1... Actually 1st & 10... Booth review???
6:58 Hmm.... Is this good? I just went to the barthroom, so I don't know much...
6:59 3rd & 1/5 yard. OK Pack has a chance.....1st down to out edge of field goal range....
7:00 OK ball at GB 21 inside 20. FG is almost automatic. not good for GB. 4 seconds left and an almost auto FG for NYG. TO GB.
7:02 Please overtime..... please.... Missed!!!
7:03 OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!! We're still alive!!!!
7:04 GB gets the Heads!!! for overtime!!!
7:06 OK, Elena is worried aobut me bothering the neighbors. Idon't care. My brother and cousin are there. I want them to see the GB Packers win. I want to see a sudden death GB win!!! OK the kick has happended. ... I can't liveblog...gotta watch the game right in front of hte TV....ntereception.
7:11 NYG are stuffed....4th & ...FG or punt? FG? We lost.
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