So we went to Sete--7 of us. Sete is a town on the Mediterranean. The second largest French Mediterranean port. We first went to see the Fisherman's Quarter. There were cats following us around. Elena liked them even though she isn't normally into cats. The rain was holding off, so maybe she was happy about that and the cats were just the beneficiaries.
Next we ate. It was a seafood place. I got 6 local oysters and seiche a la planche. I didn't know what seiche was but I figured it was a fish. Turned out to be squid. Elena just had seafood soup. She was planning to eat some of my fish, but she didn't want any squid. I also got an apple tart for desert with a side of chantilly (whipped cream). Elena at all the apples off the tart and I didn't get any. :-( Here I am eating an oyster, and following that is a tasty beverage to wash it down.
After that we went to a museum for the "Bob Dylan of France", local boy George Brassens. It was all in French, so I didn't get much. After that, we went to the top of Sete and saw a little church and the view. Then to the Museum of Paul Valery.
It was an interesting museum. There was a lot of local art and part of it is devoted to an interesting competition. It's dragon boat racing meets medieval jousting. Sea jousting it's called according to wikipedia. There were also models of huge sailing ships which I'm always intrigued by. Also paintings of ports. I don't know why I'm such a sucker for those.
Sete was nice. Elena wants to go back by bicycle when the weather is a little sunnier and check it out and buy date cake from a Tunisian bakery. I'm not as excited to go back--especially on bike with the 100km round trip.
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